ReFi Roundup #15: Planet Positive NFT Hackathon Winners, Ecorise Launch & Uni V3 on Celo

Hello ReFi peeps!👋 Hereward and John here with this week's edition of the ReFi Roundup newsletter where we curate the best of ReFi Twitter 🦚.

It's an exciting time to be a part of the #ReFi movement - if you're interested in getting involved or have a story you want included in next week's roundup, submit a story below!

Planet Positive NFT Hackathon Results

The Planet Positive NFT Hackathon was a global, virtual, collaborative event where over 25 teams & around 100 individual participants came together to come up with solutions to 7 different challenges.

Challenges ranged from open-ended prompts that allowed for creative expression & out of the box thinking, to specific tasks of creating prototypes that address art & design, blockchain integration, & even real world applications. Entirely new projects and teams were formed during the weekend event, in astonishingly open and collaborative fashion (you can view the giant Miro board used for the event).

Team presentations have been reviewed by a diverse panel of judges, while participants also engaged in a voting process, ultimately determining how the over $20k pool of prizes will be distributed, courtesy of the sponsors of the event, ReFi Punks, Regen Network, Celo's Climate Collective, Stargaze, Toucan, SEUNwater,  & Flow Carbon.

This is just the beginning, teams will be supported and encouraged over the next 3-4 weeks to further refine their ideas, participate in additional hackathons, giving them more shape & then eventually given the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a group of investors and experts that can further support the execution & implementation of the proposed solutions!

Ecorise $RISE token launch May 10

Ecorise is a new ReFi protocol led by Corneile and Booker that is aiming to kick off a flywheel of regeneration. They do this by incentivizing people to help them purchase land at risk of destruction in order to preserve it and ultimately improve the land through ecosystem services.

They've been inspired by the TERRA / LUNA tokenomics design and are raising money for the $RISE governance token which will be followed by $ECO. Together these assets will maintain the peg of the value of land, creating the first stablecoin backed by the value of land (rather than fiat).

Uniswap V3 deploys on Celo

With a huge margin of 99.998% voting in favor the Uniswap community has voted to deploy on Celo. Rene Reinsberg has the full summary of the proposal!

In essence the proposal will:

  • Introduce green asset liquidity pools with natural capital-backed assets
  • Support Celo’s stablecoin reserve with nature-backed assets
  • $10 million of $CELO in user incentives and a climate assessment of Uniswap, as well as grant funding for developers utilizing Uniswap v3 as a financial building block on Celo.


Should Carbon Removal be a community-focused endeavor?

We all know the race is on the latest IPCC report clearly stated that without CDR technologies we are unlikely to reach anything resembling Net Zero. Currently their is a race between private carbon removal enterprises tol scale up carbon removal, kick-started by commitments made on voluntary markets.This runs the risk of technology becoming propriatory, colonial dynamics arising in the GS and likely goverment procurement practises leading to public funding being funneled into private hands. It could be argued that CDR technology also provides an opportunity for oil and gas companies to capture the market due to their pre-existing infrastructure, A recent article from covers exactly that.

A recent article by @andmbergman explores an alternative. Imagine a public approach, a regional network of community run cooperatives that provides the same services, sharing technology, with publicly open management ensuring that local communities lives are benefited equitably. The article explores the further benefits associated with this kind of governance approach.

It opens up a key question about how to approach carbon removal infrastructure. Are you working on a CDR project?

We would love to hear your responses at ReFi DAO.

ReFi Bites

Kevin Owocki recent book ‘Green Pilled’ which is helping to popularize the Refi Movement has been successfully translated into  italian, portugese, chinese, french, spanish, indonesian, turkish, russian, japanese, arabic and  hindi through Gitcoin DAO, join the translation party @ Telegram ‘Regenerative Cryptoeconomics Book’

Energy and Climate Implications on Digital Assets

In the US, a report on  the Energy and Climate Implications of Digital Assets is due to be delivered to the President which may inform future legislative direction. The framing of the document is focused on the Energy use of the protols surrounding digital assets. This is the perfect opportunity of the Refi community to step up and begin it’s lobbying efforts in earnest. See below for further details

SolidWorld partners with

A timely reminder of introduce limits and redundancy as the ReFi ecosystem scales from Dr Daniel Christian Wahl. Let’s remind ourselves that many new ‘solutions’ have resulted in catastrophic and widespread unintended consequences so let’s be wise and think about how we can limit experimentation to the local/regional scale.

DAO 2 DAO Deals

As the interwoven mycelium-like expansion of the ReFi ecosystem develops, the need for effective coordination mechanisms arises. Learn about token swaps, joint ventures and more DAO 2 DAO tools through this wonderful article from PrimeDAO

The Next Stage of DAO Evolution: Networked Cooperation, Powered by Prime Deals
The next stage of DAO2DAO coordination is here: Prime Deals enables DAOs to execute token swaps, joint ventures, and more with tools for DAO2DAO networked cooperation.

John Ellison gave us a quick summary of Prime Deals

OFP & Ecorise

A nice summary from @thecorpsemen summarizing the synergetic relationship between Open Forest Protocol and ECORISEDAO, from their recent Twitter Space.

NFTs + Climate?

Still confused about how NFT’s can contribute to scaling Climate action? Read this short article which is an entry point into understanding the field and the future of tokenized model of nature assets and ‘Proof of impact’.

Eco-friendly NFTs: Can NFTs Be Used To Reverse Climate Change?
Eco-friendly NFTs: Can NFTs Be Used To Reverse Climate Change? NFTs or non-fungible tokens are generally thought of as environmentally unfriendly. But is that really true and are there eco-friendly NFTs? What are NFTs? Non-fungible

Commons Stack Regen Month

As part of Commons Stack Regen Month they have released some short snippets of interviews with dClimate on how a decentralized data marketplace will empower organizations to build long-term climate resilience using climate data.

Last Change: Commons Stack Prize!

Today is the final day to submit nominations for the Commons Stack Prize!

Stay tuned by following Commons Stack for an upcoming announcement regarding nominations. Voting round for finalists begins May 11-17. Winner is expected to be awarded the prize by the end of May.

A example of an indiginous NFT  from @400drums

Have you ever seen anything like it?

Refi MOOD 😂

Painfully true. Or is it?

How much will nature-based solutions play in humanity's response to climate change? En-Roads climate simulator gives us some tools to play around with...

En-Roads simulator showing maximum afforestation and minimum deforestation.

Breathe with the Earth

The earth is alive.

What would happen if all of our behaviors recognized this reality?

Outside Refi

Struggling with Climate Anxiety? You are not alone. It’s real, it's here and we must learn to receive our grief and allow it to empower us with renewed meaning and purpose. See this wonderful thread full of resources for coping with Climate Grief initiated by @IzzyKing063

UN Secretary-General draws a line...

250 days to avert climate catastrophe. WAGMI?

Thought for the day

“The revolution does not involve us all owning land more equitably but recognizing that land is beyond ownership and we need a new treaty with land and our natural ecosystems.” @indy_johar

Submit a story

We crowdsource stories from across ReFi, so let us know of any news or announcements in your side of the movement!