ReFi Roundup #17: Impact DAOs, Ripple’s $100m ReFi commitment, & SaveThePlanet 100m tree project
Let’s zoom out and focus on the big picture again. This week we look at the overview of the Impact DAO space and how it is blossoming.
We are loving this cartographic map of the refi space. Here we see most of the amazing DAOs leading the way in creating a more equitable and regenerative future - many of them are members of the ReFi DAO discord. By mapping out the social relationships between all these DAOs, it led to a taxonomy of Impact using the following categories:
- Regenerative Economies
- Regenerative Finance
- Coordination, tooling, & infrastructure
- Applied Research
- Commons Pools
- Culture & Education
- Decentralized Science
This beauty was co-authored by Gitcoin founder Kevin Owocki who has knocked out a second eBook, "Impact DAOs".
A sequel to the enthralling Green Pill that was all the buzz at recent ETH events and made it on countless stages and into many hands. But this time Kevin has teamed up with Ale Borda, a soulful impact entrepreneur; and together they dive deeply into the emergence of Impact DAOs. It highlights all the big players from GitcoinDAO, Toucan, Regen Network, and Kolektivo and how these cryptoeconomic systems create positive externalities for their neighbors and for the world.
“If the GreenPilled book is theory, this book is about action. Theory without action is impotence. Action without theory is directionless. But together, theory and action present a powerful Schelling point for resisting the narrative that Web3 is all speculative games for the rich.”
Kevin previews the eBook from this Bankless newsletter (a TL:DR to reading the book) and it can be bought here at the Gitcoin store when you are ready to go deep! Use WEB3_4_GOOD for a 50% discount code (50 available).
For transparency, ReFiDAO is receiving some investment from Gitcoin Grant, but we are not benefiting financially from promoting this book. We think it is awesome and we want to share the love.
ReFi Jobs FTW
Looks like someone's been scouring the ReFi job scene recently and set up a ReFi Jobs board. Massive kudos to Slaptain for making this happen!
If you're looking for your first full-time gig in the space—check it out. There are 17 jobs with top ReFi ventures including Toucan, Flow Carbon, dClimate, Open Forest Protocol, ReFi Spring and ReFi DAO!
Job listings are open to any top ReFi venture hiring full-time or part-time roles.
ReFi Bites
A smattering of whats been twittered
The Ripple Effect 💧
Exciting news to see another blockchain join the foray into ReFi: Ripple are committing to invest $100m to modernise carbon markets, and build a portfolio of nature and science based carbon credits. If you are a ReFi protocol or impact DAO, consider signing up to join Ripple’s Crypto Climate Accord.
The Celo Foundation Report is out 📝
It celebrates growth, impact and transparency. The Layer 1 blockchain looks at all the mobile first Dapps that have leveraged the protocol and the wider impact that has created. As well as how they are getting on allocating at least 40% of the Celo Reserve to tokenized nature-backed assets.
100 million treejectory! 🌲 have secured a massive 100 million tree planting project in Sri Lanka with the launch of their SPE token - after only 39 days since launch. There are many questions lingering about the integrity of this project, so we're looking forward to seeing more honest and open discussion about this one...
Aligning Incentives: DAO2DAO Deals 🤝
PrimeDAO launches #PrimeDeals for DAOs to facilitate token swaps and easily create aligned incentives.
Earth Regenerators! 🏕
Pioneer regenerator Joe Brewer has announced the launch of Barichara Ecoveristy. If you’d like to join the Earth Regenerators study group you’ll find courses and groups here.
Regens Unite! 🥳
The movement is growing following a successful 2 day event in Brussels. Follow their work here.
This week in ReFi from Klima DAO
A smattering of highlights from the Klima DAO side of the ecosystem...
Welcome to This Week in #ReFi, where you can catch up on what's been happening in the #RegenerativeFinance space over the past seven days. It's been another busy one so let's get stuck in. 1/10
— KlimaDAO (🌳,🌳) (@KlimaDAO) May 20, 2022
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