ReFi Roundup #47: ReFi Spring Season 2 & ReFi Villages 🛖🌿🌐

ReFi Spring Season 2 is off and away with a grants pool of $45,000 to support events all over the world! + the launch of ReFi Villages and, as always, the top news and events from the frontlines of crypto and climate this week. Enjoy :)

ReFi Roundup #47: ReFi Spring Season 2 & ReFi Villages 🛖🌿🌐

Happy 2023 Regens, Hereward here from ReFi Spring & Cash Upton here from The Block Explorer Podcast 👋

We're pleased to be coming into this next year working in this exciting and growing community, and what better way to start than to let you know about the launch of ReFi Spring Season 2. The aim is to accelerate the growth of this wonderful movement in a pluralistic and global manner, ensuring that at it's very roots Regenerative Finance is inclusive and ensures engagement from a broad spectrum of communities, cultures and perspectives.

Let's get into it...

ReFi Spring Season 2 Launch! 🎉

A new year and a new season of ReFi Spring to enable the continued exploration and growth of the Regenerative Finance movement worldwide.

ReFi Spring Season 2 is launched! 🚀

Today we at ReFi Spring are excited to launch our grants pool of $45,000 to support 30 ReFi events across the globe! A huge thanks to Climate Collective for their continued support of the ReFi movement.

With this grant pool, we hope to support the diverse events that are popping up around the world, engaging new audiences in the emerging conversations surrounding digital environmental assets, mass-coordination tools, carbon and eco credit markets, money legos and the many other aspects that are beginning to describe this regenerative financial system.

ReFi Spring will also be partnering with ReFiDAO to launch an Events Guild with 6 weeks of upskilling sessions and community calls to empower the growing network of community builders in the movement.

The Event Guild will be running from February 13th to March 24th, with entrance to the Guild reserved for applications received before February 3rd, so if you are keen to join the Guild, make sure to apply in January!

Interested in receiving funding for your event? Apply below! 👇

Beyond the Grant Pool and Events Guild

In addition to the Grant Pool and Events Guild, the ReFi Spring team is also working on many other projects to accelerate the growth of this movement.

A few hesdline initiatives to keep an eye out for:

  • Spanish and Portuguese Language educational sessions for ReFi community builders (follow along on Twitter for updates on this)
  • Support ReFibySouth in the establishment of ReFi Ambassadors in non-English speaking countries
  • Release an introduction to ReFi Video Course (Sign up here to be notified)

All in all, an exciting 2023 awaits. It's a pleasure and a privilege to help this wonderful community evolve and grow, collectively we are building the technological and cultural stack to make climate impact at scale as we navigate the complex web of crises facing humanity.

If you have further questions, requests for support or would like to contribute to the ReFi Spring endeavour you can get in touch at


ReFi Villages 🛖🌿🌐

From a cross section of ReFi & Ecovillage experts, we bring you the first article to define and explore the emerging phenomenon of a ‘ReFi Village’! Check it out below on our Mirror - any collections to support the work would be much appreciated!

Read here 👇

ReFi Villages: Web3 Communities for People and Planet
Hello everyone! Monty here with a cross-section of Web3, ReFi, & Ecovillage experts to bring you the first article to define and explore the emerging phenomenon of a ‘ReFi Village’. We have Sam Delesque from OASA and TDF, Jeremy Agnew from Re:Build and Re:Source, Nico S from Agartha, and Charlotte F…

ReFi Podcasts 🎙️

Top audio and video content from creators across the web 😊

ReFi DAO Podcast: A Year in ReFi 2022 ⭕️

What a year 2022 has been for Regenerative Finance! There has been unprescedented adoption by TradFi as well as huge strives within the crypto ecosystem to offset legacy carbon footprints and adopt ReFi ethos. Take a deep dive below for optimistic  developments for how blockchain is solving our environmental & social justice crisis. John sits down with Simar and is joined by ReFi friends Helena from Spirals and Brian from LOA LABS to reflect on the year...

Read the deep dive, listen on your podcasting favorite platform, or check out the episode on Youtube.

For more reflections on the year, check out this mega-tweet thread below! 👇

Other 🔥 Podcasts on our Radar:

Special feature to ReFi getting a podcast with Wall Street Journal! 👇

Blockchains Can Trace Carbon Credits, But Can They Improve the Market?| Wall Street Journal with Zoe Thomas & Dieter Holger

Blockchains Can Trace Carbon Credits, But Can They Improve the Market? - The Wall Street Journal Google Your News Update - WSJ Podcasts
The market for carbon credits has some big problems. The certificates that allow companies and governments to offset their emissions have been shown in some cases to be unreliable. Crypto enthusiasts think using the same blockchain tech that makes digital currencies traceable could be the solution.…

ReFi NewsBites 🗞️

The latest updates across ReFi Twitter and beyond...

Gitcoin Alpha Round Launches January 17th!🎉

Gitcoin is decentralizing their public goods quadratic funding tool with the launch of their Alpha Round. 40 climate projects will be featured! The round will run from Jan. 17th - 31st.

Shelling Point @ ETH Denver Accepting Applications to Speak & Attend!🎉

Schelling Point, ETH Denver's "Unconference for planetary wellbeing & flourishing." Apply today to speak and attend Shelling Point! Happening March 2, 2023 in Denver CO, this will be an incredible day of panel discussions & workshops focussed around collaborative regernation of our planet!

  • Apply here for Schelling Point!

Toucan Protocol Retires 2,126 tonnes of Carbon for the Holidays! 🎄🎉

ReFi Events 🪩

Get your ReFi on with friends in-person and online...

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DeSci London this weekend! 🧑‍🔬

January 15th-16th

DeSci London
DeSci London is a 2-day event focused on showcasing the potential of blockchain technology within science. Over the course of the two days, we will host talks and workshops focused on decentralised science (DeSci) projects aiming to improve everything from publishing infrastructure to longevity, rar…

KlimaDAO Launches ON SET - a Webinar Exploring How Carbon is Bridged On Chain 💪

ON SET #1 | Fundamentals of Digital Carbon
Digital carbon offers a tremendous opportunity to accelerate climate finance on a global scale. Learn how to unlock impact through the DCM.

Gregory Landua of Regen Network to Speak @ Davos 2023 🙌

Regen Investors Roundtable Jan. 20th @8am PT

Looking Forward 📍

Make sure to grab some tickets and support the ReFi regenerative renaissance wherever you are from!

Want to find more ReFi, Climate or Crypto events for 2023? Check out this Notion Doc put together by LOA Labs and Regen Network! 👇

Or for more Crypto orientated events, have a look at this sheet by Simplicity Group:

Add your ReFi event! 👇🏽

Got a ReFi, crypto, or climate event coming up and what to have it featured in the newsletter? Add yours to ReFi Spring!

Impact Radar 📡

A showcase of new or exciting ReFi projects that crossed our radar this week!

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ReFi DAO launches the ReFi Impact 2022 Map + Dashboard!

As part of our ReFi Roundup 2022 we launched the ReFi Impact Map to reflect on how far we have come. See below for the first version.

We also launched the ReFi Impact Dashbaord, allowing anyone to vote on the top submissions 👇

ReFi Impact 2022
Impact is the guiding star of ReFi 🌟 So how is the ecosystem doing? Dive in below and vote on the top performers!

You can expect much more on this coming in the following weeks to celebrate all this amazing impact. We will be updating the graphics and doing follow up posts here and on Twitter so it's not to late to submit your project if you havn't already!

Submit your ReFi Project
Impact is the guiding star of ReFi 🌟 Submit your project here!

Add your ReFi Project! 👇🏽

Have a project you want to add to our database? Click the button below to submit an application!

ReFi Jobs 👩🏽‍🚀

Find your next gig at a leading ReFi venture...

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New gigs listed on ReFiJobs! 👇👇

Check out the ReFi Jobs platform for more! 👇

Thank you! 🤩

For being a part of the ever evolving movement to create a radically better future...

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together" 🙌 🙌

Have a fantastic weekend friends & we'll see you again next week 🫡

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