The Infinite Game of ReFi ♾️ 🕸️ | Roundup #55

Harmony = Individual Coherence + Collective Coordination... + the Latest News, Updates, Jobs and Events in ReFi and Beyond!

The Infinite Game of ReFi ♾️ 🕸️  | Roundup #55

GM Regens! 👋

Gabriel here, a knowledge worker focused on high-impact research to help self-managed individuals (DAOists) and organizations (DAOs) achieve efficient collaboration, enhanced productivity, effective decision-making and clarity of purpose. I'm experimenting in the intersection of Web3, Cognitive Science and the Creator Economy with the vision of fostering the future of work and Integral Education.

In this week's edition, we'll be diving into the human component of ReFi: individual level of coherence and our collective capacity for coordination, and as always, we'll be sharing top news, events, and jobs from the ReFi world and beyond. Let's jump right in. 👇

with Midjourney.

Playing the Infinite Game of ReFi ♾️

According to the renowned game theorist, James Carse, there are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, while an infinite game is for the purpose of continuing the play.

ReFi is an infinite game energized by the solarpunk and mycopunk movements, with a shared culture based on co-creation and cross-pollination, a collective awareness of the current economic system failures: unsustainability and unfairness, and a common willingness to rethink and redesign society from a systemic level.

But where do we start? 🤔

Individual coherence + collective coordination = lasting Impact 💥

It's easy to think of ourselves as separate from the earth, just temporary inhabitants passing through. But what if we viewed ourselves as an integral part of the planet, connected inextricably to every living thing around us?

Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk, and author

This is the idea behind higher levels of consciousness described by Ken Wilber on Integral Theory, the concept that as we transcend through ego developmental stages, we begin to see ourselves not as separate individuals but as part of a larger whole.

We move from being ego-centric to ethno-centric to world centric, and eventually, we arrive at a kosmo-centric state of mind, where we see the interconnectedness of all things. As seen in the illustration below 👇🏽

All Quadrants. All Levels - Ken Wilber
We are nature.
We are the system.
The system is part of a bigger system...

Bridging the Gap Between Humanity and Nature🍃  

In essence, to truly regenerate the planet, we must first undergo a paradigm shift within ourselves. This includes elevating our state of consciousness and embracing  Teal organizational structures: principles of self-management, decentralized decision-making, and living systems that focus on a holistic, real-world impact and systemic transformation.

Teal organization illustration. Source: Quantum Leaders

By prioritizing regenerative practices and leveraging the power of web3 infrastructure, we are able to go one step further and operate as a Decentralised Autonomous Regenerative Entity/Ecosystem (DARE)—a term coined by one of ReFi’s founding fathers John Fullerton. As a result we can drive a transition towards a more sustainable and equitable future for both humanity and the planet.

LFG—Let's Flourishingly Grow 🌱🚀

Ecosystem Updates 👀

In-sync collaboration + On-chain verification 🤝

In a world of zoom calls and remote working, nothing beats a real-life scene.

And not just at ReFi DAO, other local regens communities are also popping up...

The goal is to integrate local nodes with individual coherence and capacity for collective coordination...

What once sounded like science fiction has now become a reality with the emergence of Web3—a new era where digital connections and collaborations are redefining the way we play the infinite game of regeneration.

How might better futures emerge?

The RADAR community has just released a new whitepaper proposing a theory of change as an approach to accelerating better futures through incentive-aligned coordination structures for lasting impact—creating positive-sum, self-sustaining ecosystems that support community and resist extraction.

How can we improve coordination?

Hypha’s organisation-in-a-box technology not only enables decentralized entities to cross-pollinate, but also mobilize quickly and cheaply, with entirely configurable modules enabling token creation and customizable approaches that have already been deployed to multiple DAREs as part of the alpha launch with waiting list now open for Beta launch. If you’re interested in trialling Hypha’s regenerative technology for your DAO or your Ecosystem, reach out now to register your interest.

How to participate in coordination?

The future of work is increasingly decentralized and online, yet many people don't have access to desktop computers. Helping to address this problem, amaDAO is launching a mobile-first—developed on celo—social network for DAOs that makes governance enjoyable and rewarding. Cakery helps DAO members keep track of contributions and build an on-chain portfolio of skills, work and equity across decentralized projects.

How to start a startup society?

Jur is building an application specific L1 to facilitate rapid experimentation of different governance, voting, coordination styles to serve online communities that could one day be significant enough to become a Network State.

Jur recently launched The Startup Society Founders’ Awards. Invitations are open to join other like-minded builders to pitch your vision of your very own Startup Society.

Supermodular Venture Studio! 👀

Open Source Software is another infinite game of collective intelligence, driven by a passion for continuous improvement and a shared belief that knowledge belongs to all of us.

Gitcoin believes in the potential of digital public goods to transform our world for the better and is working to unlock that potential by supporting and incentivizing developers to keep the game going.

Why Gitcoin Could Substantially Impact the Status Quo
This piece was written as part of my application for a content writer position at Gitcoin. I also wrote the Spanish version and created a content pipeline that I plan to use for my next writing pieces, aligned with the G.A.C.C Content Briefing framework by MKT1 Posting it here to share my thoughts,…

Picking up where Gitcoin left off, Kevin Owocki - the Co-Founder of Gitcoin - unveiled more details about Supermodular at EthDevnver. He describes it as an “incubator” designed to simultaneously help developers advance Web3 technology while “protecting critical resources and global public goods”. 💚

Also on our radar this week

🔥 Projects of the Week

A showcase of top voted projects from the ReFi DAO website!

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Top 5 most-voted projects of the week at

  1. ️✳️ Regen Network: all-in-one science-powered platform that connects investors and buyers to a growing pipeline of premier-quality ecological impact projects.
  2. 🟪 LOA Labs: trusted partner for blockchain and Web3 companies focused on building better world blockchains.
  3. 🌟 Celo: carbon-negative, mobile-first, EVM-compatible blockchain ecosystem leading a thriving new digital economy for all.
  4. 🌏 Solid World: enabling institutions to scale their carbon financing through diversified and derisked carbon financing pools.
  5. 🌱 EthicHub: A new way of investing online that generates social impact and up to 8% profit for your investment.

*Projects included in previous roundups are not counted this week!

Votes have now been reset so head over to, make an account, and show some support to your favourite projects in the ecosystem this week! 💚

Add your ReFi Project! 👇🏽

Have a project you want to add to our database? Click the button below to submit an application!

ReFi Podcasts 🎙️

Top audio and video content from creators across the web 😊

ReFi DAO Investment Founders Circle: Global South 🤝

Another round of founders circle session, connecting entrepreneurs with investors in the ReFi Space. Check out the conversations around ​investor theses, climate financing beyond carbon and web3,  and insights on building in the global south 👇

ReFi Global South Founders with Pranav Khanna

ReFi Global South Founders with Natalie Vergara Giron

ReFi Global South Founders with Toffene Kama

ReFi Global South Founders with Tim Rann

Other 🔥 Podcasts on our Radar:

Soulbound Tokens Deep Dive

Emily Furlong, Co-founder of Otterspace, shares in detail Soulbound Tokens (SBTs), on-chain reputation, Otterspace protocol, and its wide range of applications from DAO governance and education credentials to on-chain passports.

‎All About Impact DAOs: Deep Dive | Non-Financial Future of Web3, Soulbound Tokens, Otterspace Protocol, Trustless Coordination, SBTs Vs. POAPs with Emily Furlong Co-Founder Otterspace #29 on Apple Podcasts
‎Show All About Impact DAOs, Ep Deep Dive | Non-Financial Future of Web3, Soulbound Tokens, Otterspace Protocol, Trustless Coordination, SBTs Vs. POAPs with Emily Furlong Co-Founder Otterspace #29 - Mar 7, 2023

Everything is a protocol

But which will be passed on to our descendants? A conversation with Venkatesh Rao from Ribbonfarm, discussing about the Summer of Protocols Program: course about protocols and advance thinking of protocols as a category.

GreenPill is about crypto-economic systems that create positive externalities for their neighbors & for the world. We explore the intersection of programmable money, game theory, & mechanism design. We search for powerful new ways to fund, design, develop, & market regenerative web3-era application…

ReFi Events 🪩

Get your ReFi on with friends in-person and online...

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Looking Forward 📍

Some of the exciting events coming up soon... Make sure to grab some tickets and support the ReFi regenerative renaissance wherever you are from!

  • ReFi Event Organizers Guild 🤝
    (March 14th, Twitter Space): as a result of ReFi Spring merging with ReFi DAO, the Event Organizers Guild will officially launch this Tuesday. 🎉
    If you are considering to organize a gathering for your local ReFi fam or you are a former event organizer, join the Twitter space to find out more about the Guild. 👇
  • ReFi @ Consensus 🎪
    (April 26-28 in Austin, Texas): Just like for ethDenver, The LOA Labs team has set up a Telegram group for Consensus 2023. Hop in if you're attending and want to have a streamlined way to connect and communicate with your fellow Regens in Austin.
Consensus 2023
LOA Labs team
  • ETH Prague 🎪
    (June 9 -11, in Prague): Ready to build something awesome around ReFi? sign up for the next ETH Prague. Experimental and #Solarpunk projects are welcome!
ETH Prague

Retrospectives 👀

Highlighted discussions from some of the exciting ReFi events going on across the globe and through the interwebs 🕸

  • ETHDenver 🎪
    (Feb 24th - Mar 5th in Denver, Colorado): How do we rotate capital, attention, resources from degenerative projects to regenerative projects? Check out this mind blowing talk from Owocki 👇🏽
  • ETHGuatemala 🇬🇹
    ( Mar 11th in Guatemala City, Guatemala) The event gathered 100+ builders and enthusiasts to foster the growth of the ecosystem in Guatemala. It also included inspiting ReFi talks from our friends at EthicHub, United Species DAO and Urbánika. 👏

Add your ReFi event! 👇🏽

Got a ReFi, crypto, or climate event coming up and what to have it featured in the newsletter? Add yours to ReFi Spring!

ReFi Jobs 👩🏽‍🚀

Find your next gig at a leading ReFi venture...

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New gig listed on ReFiJobs! 👇👇

Check out the ReFi Jobs platform for more! 👇

ReFi Newsletters 🗞

See other amazing newsletters from the ReFi Community.

Here are some of the awesome newsletters that caught our attention this week:

Multiplayer Futures: Toward an Emergence Economy (part 7) by RADAR

IMPLEMENTATION: On Acceleration Infrastructure, or How Better Futures Come to Bear. Putting forward the idea of tokenized markets as a path to create co-ownership, inspired from the natural world & living systems – mycelia, bird ballets, etc – to explore the idea of change through connected emergence vs. individual innovation...

Building DAOs as scalable networks (#15 / Article Series) by SuperBenefit

One of the breakthrough concepts of DAOs as community driven networks is that they have the potential to influence whole systems. Addressing complex societal issues such as climate change and income inequality requires coordinated, multi-scale approaches. Such approaches must be responsive to the emergent nature of the systems they are working in and require long-term resourcing.

Thank you! 🤩

For being a part of the ever evolving movement to create a radically better future...

We are the universe experiencing itself as individualized fractals of consciousness...
with Midjourney.

Have a regenerative week my frens & we'll see you again next week 🫡

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