Local Node Beta Round on GG18 | Applications are LIVE! ๐Ÿชฉ ๐ŸŽ‰

Local Node Beta Round on GG18 | Applications are LIVE! ๐Ÿชฉ ๐ŸŽ‰

What's going on ReFi fam? John Ellison here! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am super excited ย to announce the ReFi Local Node Beta Cohort with a $30k cUSD match funding pool on Gitcoin GG18 thanks to the generosity of Celo, Celo Europe DAO and KNKT DAO! ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ

Our mission is to build a global regenerative economy rooted in local startup communities around the world. Local Nodes are the key element in this system.

Join us by starting a Local Node in your city!

Extended deadline: Aug 24th
Apply now: ReFi DAO Local Node Beta Cohort | Application Form
View round on Gitcoin: ReFi DAO Local Node GG18

Celo is the carbon-negative, mobile-first, EVM-compatible blockchain ecosystem leading a thriving new digital economy for all.

In this post, we'll cover:

  • What is the Beta Cohort and who is it for?
  • What is the ReFi Local Node Gitcoin Featured Round on GG18?
  • How does it work?
  • How much time does it take?
  • Why would I want to do this?
  • What are Local Nodes?

What is the ReFi Local Node Beta Cohort? ๐Ÿค”

The ReFi Local Node Beta Cohort is a three-month program where a global network of local regenerative leaders gather online once a month to support each other through hosting regular events, building community and onboarding talent and capital into the regenerative economy.

We also support founders within Local Nodes through sharing insights, making introductions and supporting deal flow across our growing grant funding and investor network. We want to help founders build through the bear and prepare to take advantage of the next cycle.

If you're an experienced entrepreneur with a committed, long-term vision of regeneration in a specific city please do apply to join the program and gain access to the $30k cUSD match funding pool on Gitcoin GG18! Graduates from the ReFi Local Node round on GG18 will be invited to the monthly Beta Cohort.

Existing Local Node leaders ๐ŸŒŸ

If you're a leader of an existing local node, you need to submit a 'Proof of Impact' form in order to be eligible for the $30k cUSD Local Node round on Gitcoin GG18 and the subsequent Beta Cohort. Responses will be reviewed by a council comprised of local node leaders and community members.

We're looking to support Local Nodes who can demonstrate a clear ROI through hosting regular events and onboarding talent and capital into regeneration via web3.

This is a two-week fundraising party to help get your local node cash so you can build a team, host regular events and co-create a vision of regeneration in your city. It's run on a platform called Gitcoin which has supported over 3,700 projects to raise over $50M in 5 years.

You'll need an Ethereum wallet like Metamask and a basic knowledge of web3 applications.

Start: August 15 2023
End: August 29, 2023

Chain: Optimism


  1. 'Accepted' first-time Local Node Applicants (APPLY NOW)
  2. Returning Local Nodes with Proof of Impact (PROVE IMPACT)

What are the eligibility criteria? ๐Ÿ“‹

Successful applications will fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Be led by two or more experienced founders
  2. Founders must make a 3-5 year commitment to regeneration in their city
  3. Demonstrate a clear and compelling vision for regenerating their city
  4. Be able to identify key local leaders across public, private, and third sectors
  5. Be able to gather support from advisors across web3, climate, and social justice
  6. Demonstrate event organizing and community building competence

Nodes are not designed to be led by a single person or project. They are designed to bring multiple stakeholders together and foster cross-sector collaboration with local regeneration as the common goal.

What are Local Nodes? ๐Ÿ—บ

Local Nodes are local startup communities working towards a shared vision of regeneration. They are led by entrepreneurs but are a cross-pollination of public, private and third sector leaders.

The first function of local nodes is to host monthly events to onboard talent and capital into the regenerative economy via web3 rails. Through these events, we invite nodes to co-create a vision of regeneration in their city and work towards developing open source software and land-based regenerative projects.

Local nodes are invited to contribute a voluntary portion of their revenue as a reciprocation for all the services ReFi DAO provides: grant capital, ecosystem development, content creation and software. The intention is to create a peer-to-peer global network where ReFi DAO exists to serve Local Nodes who reflect the value they received through voluntary contributions.

Our long-term vision is to build a mobile-first 'classpass for regeneration' that enables local nodes to cultivate a prosperous regenerative society in their city that leverages membership fees to provide various streams of funding to support regenerative economic development.

How does it work? ๐Ÿ”

Step 1: If you are an experienced entrepreneur committed co-creating a vision regeneration in your city, apply now!*

*If you're not a startup founder, but you're a great community builder, you can still apply and gather a co-founding team through your events!

Look at the other applications and their progress

Step 2: Your submission will be reviewed by our governance council and you will be given an applications status: 'Approved', 'Conditional Approval', or 'Denied'.

Step 3. We will invite all 'Approved' applications to draft a Gitcoin GG18 grant based upon your application. We recommend using unique branding that resembles ReFi DAO but is clearly an independent, autonomous local organization.

Step 4: You will have the opportunity to fundraise for your Local Node in the Gitcoin GG18 grant round from August 15-29 and galvanize your local community by hosting in-person and online events to raise money.

Optional: You can host online and in-person activation stations to onboard people onto Optimism and Gitcoin, with a big opportunity for retroactive public goods funding from Optimism!

Step 5: All nodes that actively participate in the GG18 round will be invited to participate in the Beta Cohort!

How much time does it take? โฑ

We get it. Founders are busy. You need to know what to expect.

Here's a rough breakdown of the core activities assuming you're proficient in using AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney. If not, you can come and learn them with us!

  • Drafting an application: 25 mins
  • Create social media profiles: 25 mins
  • Draft a Gitcoin grant: 25 mins
  • Fundraise on Gitcoin: 1 hour / day for 10 working days*

*Fundraising on Gitcoin can be exhausting, but also has diminishing returns. We recommend a steady, consistent pace with a focus on the first three days of the round (Aug 15-18) and the last three days (Aug 27-29)

Why would I want to do this? ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผ

There are a number of reasons why any founder would want to build a local node. As an experienced entrepreneur who has built many ventures all around the world, I can share from my personal experience, there are a number of core motivations:

  1. IRL friendships rock ๐Ÿค˜
  2. IRL events open doors to powerful institutions ๐Ÿฆ
  3. Our online community has got your back ๐Ÿ‘
  4. Access to funding and influential leaders ๐Ÿ’ฐ
  5. Effective content distribution and discovery ๐Œž

Building a startup is hard. Don't go it alone!

Build a small local events and community team in your city to create a powerful local network moving towards a regenerative future!

Our theory of change ๐ŸŒฑ

We believe that in order to solve the complex web of existential crises we face, we need new global coordination vehicles. The nation state and corporation have caused this crisis and have proven they cannot get us out of it...

That's why we're building a network of local startup communities all over the world that are meet regularly in key cities to co-create a local vision of regeneration while onboarding talent and capital into the regenerative economy via web3 rails like Celo.

Last quarter we supported the formation of 14 local nodes (85% in emerging markets) with over $30k of grant funding via Gitcoin.

Our forthcoming Local Node Beta Cohort is designed to empower local leaders, providing them with the tools, resources, and guidance necessary to successfully deploy their own ReFi DAO Node. But that's not all - our comprehensive program also includes steps on designing an innovative local node canvas, fundraising strategies, marketing techniques, and governance structures. Join us as we democratize finance and technology, one Local Node at a time. We invite you to be part of this endeavour that blends local action with global impact!

Join the next ReFi DAO Forum!

If you're a local node leader interested in co-creating the governance layer for the formation and support of local nodes, come join us at our upcoming Local Node Summit and Forum! You'll get a chance to meet other node leaders, inform governance parameters and explore collaboration opportunities across the network.